Tuesday, November 17, 2009

life lessons, via animal crackers

My bear is missing an arm.  But that doesn't make him any less delicious, or appealing, to my grumbly tummy in this midnight hour.  The elephant, lion, and the camel seem to be in a heated argument involving who will occupy what space in the bowl.  *tense like whoa*  Meanwhile the chocolate soy milk is just chillin' off to the side, waiting to be called to duty after I swallow this thing.  I say thing b/c it could be a manatee or maybe a seal?  IDFK it's a pretty amorphous shape, but it fills the void.

And then there were three.  Which in my current state strikes a chord.  Holy fuck, I'm crying over animal crackers.  REALLY?  Damn.  I'm NOT a cryer.  Mostly because I feel it's a sign of weakness.  Not to say those who do cry are weak.  I'm saying to me, personally, it makes me feel weak when I can't control my emotions.  But it seems over these past few days that's all I've been doing.  Well that, pacing the floor, and sleeping so much that I thought I was sick.  (Sleep does not come easy to me, and when I do sleep it comes at a price.  But the nightmares are another blog entirely, so we'll just skip that for now.)  Anyway.

Now for some reason I think back to the elephant, lion, and camel.  Was their argument ever resolved?  If so, who won?  And I'm struck.  It doesn't matter.  They all went to the same place anyway, so it's a moot point.  Instead of arguing before, they could've been rejoicing that they still had space to argue over.  Still alive and kickin', albeit kicking each other..........but I digress.

So here I am.  Staring into the bowl and it's occupants.  I find myself unable to submit the final three to their demise in an acid-y pit of doom.  They need to be together in the bowl; where they fit so perfectly back to back.  Though they may seem like an odd trio, I have it on good authority that they get along famously. 

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