Thursday, October 22, 2009


Drive us.  Destroy us.  Some have more, some have less.  Some know how to control them and some don't even try. 

What is exactly is their purpose?  They don't give us a purpose, sometimes they distract from it.  But those are the fast moving ones. 

What about the slow ones? 

They creep in quietly, building in your subconscious.  Until one day >WHAM<  there it is.  Those are the dangerous ones.  The ones you will have a hard time talking yourself out of. 

Most of the time I create purely on impulse.  First impressions, instinct.  I will see something and it sets off a chain reaction in my brain that needs to be put down somewhere, as something.  If not it consumes me.  But those other ones are a bitch and half.  It's like the "frog in the pot" scenario.  Slow death, and you don't even know it.  By the time you're uncomfortable it's far too late. 

I hate that. So why is it that those impulses usually give the best in return?  Why is it always more pain = greater reward?  Who the hell thought that up?  Asshole.

(p.s. I am aware that the definition of an impulse is a quick & fleeting thing, but I just don't agree with that.  If you have ever experienced the kind of impulse I'm referring to then you won't get caught up on such trival things like "standard definitions")

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